The Value of a Bear Canister – On a backpack trip in Yosemite National Park, I stopped for lunch at the Little Yosemite Valley Campground. While I was eating, a small bear brushed by me and went to the bear canister. The bear determined that the canister was a waste of time and went to my pack. I then scared away the bear with noise. The moral of the story is that it pays to keep all of your food and scented items in a LOCKED bear canister all of the time, including daytime.
While in Montana, 10 minutes from where we camped, there was a fire below the trail. I grabbed the Expedition canister and with 14 of us we put the fire out. The Bearikade got a LOT of water to the hot spots. Another use for the Bearikade.
Just a short note to say my Bearikade arrived this afternoon—thanks for your great service, and for your updates. Means a lot to know someone out there is thinkin’ about ya, particularly when you spend your money for their products.
I am most pleased with your lightweight Bearikade and prompt customer service. Thanks for all your concern and polite, friendly special services extended which made our treks a success.
It’s nice to see something that looks like someone took some pride in making.
I am extremely happy with the Expedition canister. It is perfect for a week trip—I can even get a loaf of raisin bread and my Fig Newtons inside! It holds more and weighs less than the one I have been using for the past four years. It is really well made and light!
Just received the bear can, thanks for getting it out to me. Now I can relax the next day or so before my hike starts. The can itself is a thing of beauty, nicely done.
The Bearikade arrived today, and it looks great. It’s the perfect size as far as I’m concerned. I posted about it on the Light Gear Forum at backpacking.net. Thanks for making it up for me. I really appreciate that kind of personalized service. I’ll let you know how it fares once I’ve given the grizzlies a shot at it!
I know that some people complain about the weight of canisters, but I think they’re a great invention. We didn’t have to worry about our food in an area that has bear problems, and we didn’t have to spend a lot of time when we got to camp trying to string up ropes and bear bags. If we forgot that we needed something from the canister, it was easy to just go and open it, rather than hassling with taking food bags down, stringing them back into the trees, etc. Also, the canister makes a nice chair. It’s well worth the weight.
Our next trip is in an area that doesn’t have bear problems. But there are always mice, ringtails, ravens and other critters looking to get your food. So we plan to take the canister on just about all of our backpacking trips from now on.
It is, in practice, bear proof! At least with the black bears in the High Sierras. I have just returned from a backpacking trip from Onion Valley to Mount Whitney. Our first night out, at Kearsarge Lakes, we were visited by the largest Black Bear I have ever seen (it was actually cinnamon colored). Loud verbal abuses and rocks thrown eventually got the bear to leave us alone for the night, but not before the bear gave my 14″ Bearikade a good try. The canister now adorns scratch and teeth marks both on the cylinder and the endcaps. It remains perfectly functional and is now complete with the dignity that is earned by battle scars! Thanks again for your ingenuity in creating a large lightweight canister; my back greatly appreciates it!
Made with great care in Santa Ynez, California USA
Bearikades are used by the National Park Service Rangers, Wildfire Fighters, Search & Rescue, U.S. State Department, Boy Scouts of America, Alaskan Hunting Guides and many other groups that require mission ready gear.